We provide Modern and Complete School Management Webapp Development to suites every school or educational institution from online student admission to student leaving, from fees collection to exam results etc. Over 30+ modules (Front Office or Administration, Fees Collection, Student Information, Income, Expenses, Attendance, Online Examination, Examination, Lesson Plan, Academics, Human Resource, Communicate, Zoom Live Classes, Gmeet Live Classes, Download Center, Homework, Library, Inventory, Transport, Hostel, Certificate, Front Website, Alumni etc.) with inbuilt users (Admin, Accountant, Teacher, Receptionist, Librarian, Parent and Student) panel
- Examination module with different patterns of exams
- Different types of exams
- Subject selection of exams
- Generate consolidated marksheet
- Print professional marksheet
- Print examination admit card
- Import exam marks
- Online examination
- Custom fields for student and staff
- Biometric device support for automated attendance (optional)
- Audit trail
- Student online admission form
- Period wise attendance
- Flexible timetable schedule repeated subjects in a same day
- Teachers Timetable
- Add students in multiple class-sections
- Auto generated admission number in pre define sequence
- Multiple fees collection at same time
- Fees Fine after due date
- Discount and Fine in %
- Fees Print Header Footer
- Staff Salary Receipt Print Header Footer
- Subject in absent notification for period wise attendance
- Mobile app support (optional)
- payment gateways – Paystack, Instamojo Razorpay etc.
- Staff import
- Library book import
- Active multiple languages at same time
- Apply leave for student
- Zoom Live Class addon
- Lesson Plan module
- Alumni module
- Multiclass feature in Parent panel
- Rich Text Editor in Question Bank
- Online Examination Result in Parent Panel
- Reference number in Online Admission Form
- Audio/Video file upload support
- Book Search in Library Book
- front website
- Admin panel
- And many more features
Managing students and other resources are crucial for any school, get your private labelled School management webapp developed, customized to suit your school needs to enable you to focus on teaching and enriching the lives of students, also to help you to manage everything in centralize way.
Please to get
started with us, register or sign up at our client portal oomphboostmedia.com or contact us via call or WhatsApp +233545449800